It Has To Be Me Episode

Preventing and reversing fatty liver disease

Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RDN

Episode #11: July 18th, 2024


“1 out of every 4 people has liver disease and probably don’t know it because there's no symptoms. We think it's closer to 30% of individuals who have it. It's very much in line with type-two diabetes and insulin resistance. It is an epidemic and a silent killer.”

Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RDN

Cleveland Clinic RD & Author Of Regenerative Health

“We think liver disease is about booze. But, the liver plays a huge role in blood sugar management. When the liver becomes overwhelmed, it doesn't understand what to do with the blood sugar and turns it into fat. This creates a cascade of inflammation, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome. We have to take away the stigma that if you're fat, then you're unhealthy. And that's just not the case.”

Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RDN

Cleveland Clinic RD & Author Of Regenerative Health

“There's a whole world of health practitioners. Connect with someone who speaks your language and can sit down and have a conversation. How does the advice relate to your “why” and path of longevity? It starts with looking at your own worth before having to accept the worth that others give you.”

Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RDN

Cleveland Clinic RD & Author Of Regenerative Health

“When the view doesn't change, you can't necessarily grow. It's the stuff that makes you uncomfortable where you're forced to learn about something you didn't know before.”

Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RDN

Cleveland Clinic RD & Author Of Regenerative Health

“A lot of times we'll take on different things in our life because we didn't have it. So we take that on as a goal to give back what was not given to us.”

Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RDN

Cleveland Clinic RD & Author Of Regenerative Health

“You can go through so many different versions of yourself. Eventually you're gonna land on who you're meant to be. And sometimes you gotta go through all those versions to figure it out.”

Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RDN

Cleveland Clinic RD & Author Of Regenerative Health


  • Kristin Kirkpatrick, renowned dietitian from the Cleveland Clinic and author of Skinny Liver and Regenerative Health explains why the liver is critical to health, and how Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is a silent killer that has become an epidemic.

  • With an estimated 1 in 4 people affected, and many unaware they have it, fatty liver disease is right up there with type-2 diabetes as one of the most significant threats to health. Kristin defines the four metabolic types and how knowing your type will help you assess your risk. Stressing the importance of early diagnosis, she shares food and lifestyle strategies for prevention and reversal of liver disease.

  • Kristin defines the four metabolic types and how knowing your type will help you assess your risk. Stressing the importance of early diagnosis, she shares food and lifestyle strategies for prevention and reversal of liver disease.

  • Speaking more broadly about health and wellness, Kristin tells how her struggle with childhood obesity fueled her desire to help people improve their relationship with food and now informs her approach.

  • She gives practical tips for finding medical practitioners who understand your goals and will help you achieve them. Her philosophy of being open, stepping out of your comfort zone, and valuing mentorship as a way to fast-track personal and professional growth will have you hooked!

  • Kristin’s journey—from White House internship to lobbying for dietetics to working in cardiovascular genetics to serving as lead dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic—is a fantastic story of listening to your It Has To Be Me moments and taking action to find your next calling and contribution. 


  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is an epidemic as serious as type-2 diabetes.

  • Many people with fatty liver disease don’t know they have it. Don’t skip your annual check-up.

  • Age, health status, diet, sleep, stress and exercise affect liver health.

  • Knowing your metabolic type helps assess your risk for developing fatty liver disease.

  • You can prevent liver disease or reverse early liver disease with food and lifestyle strategies.

  • Find a practitioner who understands your goals to create an effective path to longevity.

  • Forget chasing numbers. Focus on the quality of the life experience you seek.

  • Try different things and celebrate every version of yourself to get clear about what you want to do.


With over 25 years experience in health management, Kristin Kirkpatrick is an award-winning dietitian, best-selling author, nationally recognized speaker, and founder and president of KAK Consulting, LLC,.

As the lead dietitian in the Cleveland Clinic’s Department of Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine, Kristin is one of the most respected dietitians in the United States.

You may have seen her give expert advice on the TODAY show, NBC Nightly News, the Dr. Oz show, as well as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, TIME, Oprah, Food Network, Self, Women's Health, and other media outlets.

Kristin is known for her groundbreaking lobbying efforts for Medical Nutrition Therapy reform on behalf of the American Dietetic Association Policy and Advocacy group.

Kristin’s first book, Skinny Liver got a lot of attention raising awareness about the Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease epidemic. Her second book, Regenerative Health explores the relationship between liver disease and metabolic health, and provides practical nutrition plans and strategies to support recovery and better health.