It Has To Be Me Episode


Heather Maguire

Episode #33: December 19th, 2024


“Intuition is knowing something without knowing how you know it.”

Heather Maguire

Intuitive Wisdom Coach

“Intuition is knowing that comes from the meeting place of your mind, body, and spirit, and the collective consciousness of the universe. You're pulling information from all of those sources and arriving in your awareness.”

Heather Maguire

Intuitive Wisdom Coach

“Trusting your intuition comes with believing in who you are in a deep way that is below thought. Practice slowing down, noticing how you feel, and asking questions about it.”

Heather Maguire

Intuitive Wisdom Coach

“When we step into something that feels right our vulnerability is present. We either pull away or we step towards it because we know that’s where our power is and where the juice of our life is, and we want it.”

Heather Maguire

Intuitive Wisdom Coach

“We often make decisions based on fear that we confuse with intuitive hits. To differentiate fear from intuition, pay attention to where fear lives in your body. When you can recognize fear in your body, you can recognize it in your thoughts.”

Heather Maguire

Intuitive Wisdom Coach

“Fear tends to have a judgment and bite to it, and rarely says anything positive. Intuition feels completely different. It’s generative, warm, supportive. It comes in a flash of knowing and understanding that feels right, even if it’s scary.”

Heather Maguire

Intuitive Wisdom Coach

“Your brain and your intuition are both really fast. They come rushing in. Slow down and pay attention because your body knows what to do and will teach your brain.”

Heather Maguire

Intuitive Wisdom Coach

“When something feels right, it’s like a feather that gently settles down to the ground. There is lightness and ease.”

Heather Maguire

Intuitive Wisdom Coach

“A miracle is a shift from fear to love. We have the power to create miracles every day. The more you train yourself to watch for the miracles, the more you see them everywhere. And it changes how you feel, and how people respond to you.”

Heather Maguire

Intuitive Wisdom Coach

“You don't have to do all the work. What the universe can cook up is more powerful than anything you can create on your own. Surrender to the fact that there is collective creation working with you, and make space for the magic.”

Heather Maguire

Intuitive Wisdom Coach


  • Do you find it difficult to trust your intuition in decision making? Intuitive wisdom coach Heather Maguire shares practical tools for how we can tune into the messages from our internal guidance system.

  • Relating her personal story, Heather shares how listening to our intuition and connecting with our resilience helps us leverage our experiences and act in alignment with what we want.

  • The sudden, early loss of her father prompted Heather to step away from her traditional career. Once she became a mother, and struggled to connect with other parents in her small town, she joined an intuitive development group. It was there that she discovered her calling as a coach, and began guiding others. 

  • Tapping into your intuition, she says, means simply connecting with your curiosity. It’s a mindful practice that you get better at the more you do it. She walks us through recognizing the difference between how fear and intuition feel in our bodies, to help us recognize the difference in our thoughts.

  • Heather reminds us that change doesn’t require that we have all of the answers, and invites us to embrace collective creation and make room for the magic and miracles. 

  • Heather sees miracles not as rare events bestowed on us, but simply as “shifts from fear to love.” Embracing this definition empowers us to create miracles and spot them, changing how we feel and how people respond to us. 


  • Intuition is a deep knowing that transcends logic.

  • Fear often masquerades as intuition, leading to confusion.

  • Listen to your body to identify how fear and intuition feel different.

  • Differentiating intuition from fear and trusting it takes practice.

  • Slow down and breathe to allow your intuition to communicate with your brain.

  • You don’t need all the answers—just take one step forward.

  • Make space for the magic that comes with collective creation.

  • Miracles are simply shifts from fear to love, and can be created every day.


As an intuitive wisdom coach, Heather Maguire guides women to connect with their intuition to step into their power. 

Heather’s work is grounded in the belief that change isn’t about “fixing what is broken,” but rather, letting go of the garbage that holds us back, and creating the clarity and confidence to move forward.

Through one-on-one coaching, workshops, and her Miracles Club, Heather creates spaces where women can experience deeper connection to self and release limiting beliefs, to trust their inner knowing and align their energy with their desires.